9/6/23 Paul Tapp
I’ve been writing song lyric for fifty years now. It’s always such a great joy when others get to hear your work. To quote the great lyricist Sammy Cahn it sure was a “kick in the head” when Zane recorded our songs and released them as singles but now to include them on this album it’s just way over the moon. Thanks Zane.
A Little Bit of Me
👀: 7 A LITTLE BIT OF MEWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2025Its been eons since I held you In my arms my heart so true But lately I’ve been thinking about You as just some one that I once knewLike a car stalled in cold weather For so long wished you would stay Gone now…
Acoustic Man
👀: 41 ACOUSTIC MANWords by Paul Norman Tapp © 2024Pull me in, folio rain Raise the level, shifting planeDesert sky, Frank Lloyd spaceDreaming eye, oasis face Seeing sound, peaceful planI’ve become Acoustic ManNever mind flamingo fanI’ve become Acoustic Man Martini jazz, Schulman lensModern lines, Mercedes BenzOlive trees, pacific blueCase study, twenty two Seeing sound, peaceful…
Coloring Outside the Lines
👀: 9 COLORING OUTSIDE THE LINESWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2025When I was just a little boyDidn’t want to go to schoolLiked to play by myselfDidn’t like games with rulesIn my mind I painted picturesOf misty castle keepsBecame my own heroEvery night when I went to sleepAnd with just a box of crayonsAlways had a…
Everyday Magic
👀: 47 EVERYDAY MAGIC Words by Paul Norman Tapp ©2023 She Buys Paperbacks At The Grocery Store Loses Her Phone And Her Car Keys Don’t Know Why That Makes Me Love Her More But She Drives Me Crazy Every Time She Smiles At Me Oh My God How She Smiles, At Me How Do I…
Hello Friend
👀: 77 HELLO FRIENDWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2024Hello friendDid you hear about Chopin?He lived on an island in a lost seaHe never knew he could be freeOld loves really never dieThey remain pictured in the mindsOf free men rendered slavesThose feelings that you try to hideAre locked inside your heart and mindPounding like the…
Joker Jo
👀: 63 JOKER JOWords by Paul Norman Tapp © 2024Oh cold wind bites walking in to townHands in pockets oh head bowed downSay to myself let them cold winds blow‘Cause I’m walking with my friend Miss Joker Jo Joker JoIs God in heaven why I don’t knowBut it’s okay let the cold winds blow ‘Cause…
Just One Tree
👀: 17 JUST ONE TREEWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2024I can no longer remember her face I just seeing her packing her suitcase Long before tall trees fell Timber spoke a sad farewellShe made out like a lumberjack I wondered was she never coming backSo many lies she had told to me But the truth…
Life Is Good
👀: 43 LIFE IS GOOD Words by Paul Norman Tapp ©2024 Houses need painting in our neighborhood Gables bare, sun bleached wood Hard to keep your place up like you should Yes times are hard but life is good Misses Johnson had a heart attack But she made it home yes she made it back…
Life Is Our Encore
👀: 72 LIFE IS OUR ENCOREWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2024Where do we go when we dreamAnd we come to an open doorI don’t know for sureBut surely life is our encoreI heard this melody playing Cabaret South FranceI asked a woman with runs in her stockingsMay I have this danceShe rose scarf fell from…
She’s Never Wrong
👀: 71 SHE’S NEVER WRONG Words by Paul Norman Tapp ©2022 She’s Such A Good Person She Loves Her Family But It Ain’t Always Roses Sometimes We Disagree About The Little Things That Come Up In Life Oh She’s My Woman Yeah She’s My Wife And She’s So Righteous She’s So Strong Sometimes She Might…
The Wind
👀: 6 THE WINDWords by Paul Norman Tapp ©2025Place ear near hear this taleShaman conjures ancient spellBirdsong winter, bowie heartBlood on ice, where to startShuttered sighs, jungle graceTiger awaits wrapped in laceHark gently unseen friend I know you’re out thereIn the windHold with care smoking coalCarve new face totem poleSeed to soil, spirit skyFamine flood,…